MASTER(Y) APP - Cornell University

The Master(y) App is a user experience-driven mobile application designed to address the real-world problem faced by young professionals who desire to advance their professional state, potentially seeking to transition to self-employment in the future.

The app will serve as a central platform that empowers users to build and manage the necessary systems for consistent career progress, enabling them to set realistic goals and maximize the benefits of their current employment towards a calculated career leap.

Tools: Balsamiq, Figma, Photoshop, Adobe Stock

Skills: Human-Centered Design, User Research, Contextual Interview, User Persona, Design Conceptualization, Usability Evaluation

The People’s Problem

A study from Newport Institute reported the top 3 priorities for young professionals in the workplace today are a sense of meaning and purpose, authentic connection, and opportunities to grow and learn.

This study also highlighted the difficult transition from college to career where performance was measured in the form of grades and professor feedback while work place measurements are not as frequent or clear leaving young professionals feeling lost and anxious in this new realm of career accountability.

The focus of my contextual interview plan centered on gaining a deeper understanding of each participant, their experience in the workplace, and what attributes caused them to consider self-employment.

Project Objectives

Empower Career Advancement:

Enable young professionals to proactively advance their careers by providing a structured platform for skill development and goal-setting.

Enhance User Experience:

Create an intuitive and user-friendly mobile application that fosters user engagement and participation in the career progression process.

Maximize 9-5 Benefits:

Help users leverage their current employment to acquire the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary for self-employment or other career advancements.

Set Realistic Goals:

Assist users in setting achievable short-term and long-term career goals and track their progress towards these objectives.

Target Audience

Insights gathered from the contextual interviews allowed me to represent the participants into a single user persona, Core(y). Using the affinity diagramming method to narrow my design focus, I identified design requirements needed to empower young professionals between ages 25-30 to take control of their career journey and practice making necessary adjustments along the way.

Key Features

Progress Tracking:

Provide a dashboard to track progress towards set goals and visualize their journey.

Skill Development:

Offer resources, courses, and tools for users to acquire and improve relevant skills, enhancing their professional value.

Resource Library:

A repository of articles, videos, and tutorials to help users with skill development and career planning.

Network Opportunities:

Facilitate connections with mentors, industry professionals, and peers for guidance and collaboration.

Thanks for stopping by!

Tools: Balsamiq, Figma, Photoshop, Adobe Stock

Skills: Human-Centered Design, User Research, Contextual Interview, User Persona, Design Conceptualization, Usability Evaluation