Mood(y) Process

A journey map of the service process from our initial meeting to design delivery.


The meeting stage describes an initial interaction with The Moody Colexion brand. This usually takes place by referral after a design need is expressed and results in the submission of a pre-design questionnaire.


The outline stage describes a scheduled phone call between the client and the designer to discuss design needs/goals. This interaction is usually a phone call resulting in the decision to work together or part ways.


The optimization stage describes a set of design options presented to the client communicating visual strategies to help meet the business goals outlined in the previous stage. The interaction usually takes place over video conference and results in revision requests or complete design satisfaction.


The delivery stage describes a collection of creative assets and resources accessible to the client for use. This interaction usually takes place via email/google drive and signifies the completion of the design process.

(Y)our Journey Repeats

This stage is an open invitation and friendly reminder that your journey with us doesn’t have to end here if you found our process enjoyable and beneficial to your business needs. This interaction usually takes place after the completion of one design and results in the submission of another questionnaire.